Uploaded 2 video of That’s Fujiyama Dancing!! on our channel. Please check it out!

コロナ禍の中、活動を休止してる『なんちゃってダンパイベント』That’s Fujiyama Dancing!!
That’s Fujiyama Dancingは、節操なく様々なジャンルのダンスを音楽を演奏するバンド主宰で実施する”なんちゃってダンパイベント”です。
2019年の動画『テクノラジオ体操』と『Washington Go-Go 俺ら東京さ行くだ』の2本を公開しました。

Let’s Play with your full energy!!
What ‘s “Fujiyama Dancing!”?
It’s a “so called” Dance party with live music.
and also it’s kind of ” Everything-is-All Right-party”!

In our set list, there are Disco, Soul dance, Social dance and so on…
but nothing professional about it.
Any ways,we Japanese can’t dance so well.
But it’s absolutely OK!!
Sometime there’s no one on the floor, but who cares?!
Everyone is dancing and having fun at their place^^

We’ll also play folk dance, tango, hula-dance….. lots more.
There are 3 minutes for each genres.
We will give easy lectures to the audience beforehand so
everybody could dance(in some way) instantly.

Almost all of the lecturer are band members,
and dancing next to you may be the members(if their hands are free) as well.

Dear professionals, please forgive us for our amateurishness!
Though this is first time ever non-genre dance party. Everyone could feel the sence of unity here.

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